The proposed by-law changes listed below will be discussed and voted on during the 2024 LANGEA Business Meeting, scheduled for Saturday, May 4th 2024

  1. Change to Board of Directors Terms of Office.

Current verbiage: Election of Officers to the Executive Board shall be held on odd number years (1991, 1993, etc.) of the Regular Membership Meeting for the term of two (2) years and shall take office on the first day following the completion of Regular Membership Meeting.

Proposed Change: Election of Officers to the Executive Board shall be held every other year of the Regular Membership Meeting for the term of two (2) years and they shall take office on the first day following the completion of the Regular Membership Meeting.

  1. Tony Lopez Scholarship Amount.

Current verbiage: Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $2,000.00 each, and the number of scholarships shall be determined annually by the ASSOCIATION Board of Directors.

Proposed change: Scholarships will be in the amount of $2,000 each, with the option for the Board of Directors to increase the scholarship amount based on donations to the scholarship fund and the number of scholarships shall be determined annually by the ASSOCIATION Board of Directors.

  1. Add award of LANGEA’s outstanding Junior Enlisted Servicemember of the Year Award.

Purpose: The LANGEA Junior Enlisted Servicemember of the Year Award provides a means of recognition to an individual who distinguishes themselves with outstanding and exceptional performance to their unit and community.

  1. The recipient will be nominated by peers/supervisors
  2. Nominee must be currently serving within the Louisiana National Guard
  3. Nominee must not have any open adverse action flags
  4. Winner will be selected by the Board of Directors
  5. LANGEA Membership is not required to receive the award


Awardee will be gifted the following:  a one-year LANGEA membership, banquet night registration for the awardee and one guest, and two-night hotel stay during the Annual Enlisted Conference.